Assets of other users: All of the assets in this Ferrum Nibenis file are either the author’s or free-to-use modder’s resources.
Upload authorization: You may upload this Ferrum Nibenis file to other websites, but you must credit me as the file’s creator.
Permission to modify: You may alter my files and provide bug patches or enhancements as long as you acknowledge me as the original inventor.
Permission to convert: You are free to convert this Ferrum Nibenis file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the file’s developer.
Permission to utilize an asset: You may use the materials in this file without asking permission as long as you credit me.
Asset use authorization in purchased mods/files: This file’s assets may not be used in any modifications or files that are sold for money on Steam Workshop or other platforms.
Permission to utilize assets in mods/files that earn donation points: If your modifications use my materials, you may earn Donation Points for them.
Notes from the Author This author has made no further remarks about file permissions.
File credits Check description for credits
Version 1.5
Fixed all text being bugged in 1.4
Version 1.4
Fixed Ancestor Glade name issue
Version 1.3
added xml paths to mothweave set
Version 1.2
added missing warhammer to the urn
Version 1.1
fixed missing transparency on battlemage set
Version 1.0
This mod adds 3 imperial themed armor sets and 2 weapons
Integration: All three sets can be found in urns near a tree in the Ancestor Glade, loading screens appear randomly