REFramework Direct2D

Reframework Direct2D | Monster Hunter Rise

by Gemma

Another REFramework for Monster Hunter Rise plugin that adds Direct2D scripting APIs. This REFramework Direct2D mod requires at least version 1.1.1 of REFramework.

Creator: cursecat

REFramework Direct2D

nowmods information

Nowmods requiring this file:

Mods requiring this file:

Carve Timer Skip and Fast Returncoavins damage and dps overlay Recommended
Combo Stats >= 0.3.0Hunter Arts System (REFramework)
Kingdom Hearts HUDMHR Overlay – Monster HP – Damage Meter (and more) v0.4.0
Monster Has HP Bar Version ^0.2.1Monsters are people HUD (REFramework) (D2D) Required
REFramework – Active Skill DisplaySimple Reticle
Village Reminders >=0.4.0

Credits and distribution rights

  • Assets of other users: 
    All of the assets in this REFramework Direct2D file are either the author’s or free-to-use modder’s resources.
  • Upload authorization: 
    You are permitted to upload this file to other websites but you have to credit creator.
  • Permission to modify: 
    You may alter my files and provide bug fixes or enhancements as long as you acknowledge me as the original inventor.
  • Permission to convert: 
    You are allowed to convert this file to work with other games but don’t forget credit creator.
  • Permission to utilize assets: 
    You are permitted to use the materials in this file without permission as long as you credit the creator.
  • Asset usage authorization in purchased mods/files: 
    You are permitted to utilize assets from this file in any modifications or files that are offered for a fee on Steam Workshop or other platforms.
  • Permission to utilize assets in mods/files that earn donation points: 
    You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your modifications if they utilize my materials.

REFramework Direct2D:

Version 0.1.1:  Initial release on nexus.

Version 0.1.2

  • Fixed a freeze that could happen when an error occurred inside one of the `d2d.register` functions. 
  • Improved error handling and reporting in general.
  • Added reframework-d2d.lua to let users customize the max update rate for the plugin.
  • Increased the default update rate from 30hz to 60hz.

Version 0.2.1: – Improved alpha blending.

Version 0.3.0:

  • Refactored resources (such as fonts) into their own types
  • Added support for loading and drawing images

Version 0.4.0: Moved Lua callbacks to run during the game BeginRendering phase.


An REFramework plugin for the Monster Hunter Rise game that adds a Direct2D scripting API. One of a modder’s resources intended on making batter overlay style mods.

The modders version has these benefits:

  • Improved font rendering
  • Out-of-the-box support for Unicode rendering
  • Updating at a lower rate than every frame, lower the overall performance impact of overlay style scripts


  1. Download and extract
  2. Copy the /reframework/ folder into your MonsterHunterRise directory.
  3. Make sure reframework-d2d.dll is in the games /reframework/plugins/ directory.
  4. Make sure reframework-d2d.lua is in the games /reframework/autorun/ directory.
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