StarUI HUD allows you complete control over the majority of HUD widgets, as well as an updated loot list and improved item cards with DPS and V/W. Most HUD widgets may be resized, moved, recolored, or disabled. The loot list may display extra columns such as V/W (sortable) and the item card for hovering objects!
Creator: m8r98a4f2
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Credits and distribution rights
- Assets of other users: All of the assets in this StarUI HUD file are either the author’s or free-to-use modder’s resources.
- Upload authorization: Under no circumstances may you upload this material to other websites.
- Permission to modify: You must obtain my permission before modifying my files in order to enhance them.
- Permission to convert: Under no circumstances are you permitted to convert this StarUI HUD file for use in other games.
- Permission to utilize an asset: You must obtain my permission before using any of the materials in this StarUI HUD file.
- Asset use authorization in purchased mods/files: This file’s assets may not be used in any modifications or files that are sold for money on Steam Workshop or other platforms.
- Permission to utilize assets in mods/files that earn donation points: You cannot earn Donation Points for your modifications if they use my materials.
Notes from the Author
For translators: You are welcome to create a translation mod under the following conditions:
- The translation mod must include this translated file:
1) Interface\Translation\StarUI_HUD_en.txt ( translated as StarUI_HUD_[LanguageCode].txt ) - You can optionally include a translation of this file:
2) Interface\StarUI HUD (default).ini (or the other presets) - The translation mod includes no other files from original mod
- The translation mod must require the original mod
File credits
Cala (teaser design)
- StarUI HUD Version 1.1
- StarUI HUD Added new preset: Author’s Choice (No Colors)
- StarUI HUD Added filled versions of vanilla category icons for usage as item tags
- StarUI HUD Added watch settings: Enable/disable compass markers: enemy markers, mission markers and special markers (ship)
- StarUI HUD Added watch settings: Enable/disable various watch features: compass, o2 bar, planet icon, location text
- StarUI HUD Added watch settings: Enable/disable various scan mode watch features: temperature, oxygen, gravitation, bio alert, env alert
- StarUI HUD Added crosshair setting: Crosshair replacement mode. Allows you to define which crosshair type is displayed (sReplaceMode, default:Default, available modes: Default, DotOnly, DotWhenNotAiming, None, Custom)
- StarUI HUD Added crosshair settings: A whole bunch of individual replacement settings for the “Custom” replacement modes. Let you define any crosshair type you like for any situation (aiming, 3rd person and for every crosshair type)
- StarUI HUD Added crosshair setting: Show crosshair when aiming in first person (bShowInIronSights, default: off)
- StarUI HUD Added crosshair setting: Enable the spread animation (how far bullets go from the crosshairs center) (bEnableSpreadIndication, default: on)
- StarUI HUD Added crosshair setting: Show if a weapon/tool is effective by changing the color (bEnableEffectiveIndication, default: on)
- StarUI HUD Added crosshair color settings: Colorize your crosshair based on the current type (for every type: sColor…)
- StarUI HUD Added crosshair scale settings: Change your crosshairs size based on the current type (for every type: iScale…)
- StarUI HUD Added item card max height settings to prevent clipping into other widgets
- StarUI HUD Added new coloring technique to item card to allow colorisation without changing the already colored elements.
- StarUI HUD Added setting to control the tag icon color in item card (bItemCardItemTagColored, default: on)
- StarUI HUD Added setting to control the tag icon color in loot list ([LootList]bItemTagColored, default: on)
- StarUI HUD Added new anchor definition: You can now specify the anchor freely as [HorizontalOffset]% [VerticalOffset]%, e.g. “0% 25%”
- StarUI HUD Added setting to define the reticle line attach point for item cards in single item display (sItemCardReticleLineAttachAnchor, default: none)
- StarUI HUD Added color settings for widget Stealth Meter to override the color of the bar background: sBarColorHidden, sBarColorCaution, sBarColorDetected, sBarColorDanger
- StarUI HUD Added color settings for the default label (mostly used in Vanilla/Vanilla Extended): sLabelColor, sLabelStealColor
- StarUI HUD Added color settings for rarity colors (sRarityColorRare, sRarityColorEpic, sRarityColorLegendary)
- StarUI HUD Added color settings for contraband items in item card, standard label and Tag Label (sItemCardContrabandColor, sLabelContrabandColor and sHudTagLabelContrabandColor)
- StarUI HUD Change adapted the rare rarity color to a slightly more bluish color in preset Author’s Choice
- StarUI HUD Change unified the item card settings into separate sections with same structure (ItemCard_SingleItem, ItemCard_SingleItemScanMode, LootList.ItemCard and LootList.ItemCard_ScanMode)
- StarUI HUD Change default sort is now GAME instead of TAG (e.g. sorts special items to the top)
- StarUI HUD Change recommended FPS in FOMOD is now 30fps (increase performance on slow computers, and the difference for the HUD is barely visible)
- StarUI HUD Fixed unable to sort by first column with ALT key when having item tags disabled
- StarUI HUD Fixed untranslated texts in item card
- StarUI HUD Fixed clipping label for long key names whiel using small buttons option
- StarUI HUD Fixed display of hold button indicator (underline) too near at the key
- StarUI HUD Fixed overwritting game setting for hud transparency for watch and player status widget
- StarUI HUD Fixed slightly moving position of watch on loading
- StarUI HUD Fixed position and sizing of big item cards
- StarUI HUD Fixed typos
StarUI HUD allows you complete control over the majority of HUD widgets, as well as an updated loot list and improved item cards with DPS and V/W. Most HUD widgets may be resized, moved, recolored, or disabled. The loot list may display extra columns such as V/W (sortable) and the item card for hovering objects!
- Change most widgets on the HUD to your liking:
- Change the position, the scale (size), the rotation and the color (color modifier or color overwrite available) individually per widget
- Hide it, if you don’t want to see it!
- And for the special watch and player status widget: Adjust the 3D Position (only for 3D experts) or simply deactivate the 3D effect.
- New widget: Tag Label
- Reduces the HUD’s clutter level and let you focus on the important things.
- Displays the item name and item tag icon below your cross-hair. So you see what an item is without the need to look at the big item card (which is moved to top right screen as you don’t really need it)
- For tagged, stolen or contraband items the appropriate icon will be added after the name
- Trash items are displayed slightly faded out, so those item draw even less attention
- Customizable and can be disabled if you don’t like it
- New widget: Loot-O-Meter
- Displays a bar below your cross-hair which fills up with the value per mass value of the item. So you can easily see what’s worth to be taken!
- The bar can change the color from red to orange to green based on how much its filled
- Customizable and can be disabled if you don’t like it
- Upgraded loot list (quick container view)
- Dynamic size, more items visible (or less if you like)
- Automatic height adaption based on content
- Item tag icons for every item – See easily what type the item is!
- Additional configurable columns (Default adds a V/M column). The list can also be sorted by the column (And you can toggle through the columns it in-game with ALT key)
- Shows an item card for the highlighted item
- Upgraded item cards
- Added item tag icon
- Added value V/M for all items with value and mass
- Added value DPS for weapon (Burst-DPS, reloading-time not accounted)
- Colorizable, relocatable and resizable: All item cards can be adjusted for every situations where they are visible
- Quality of Life
- Accidental Steal Protection – Changes the button for taking, so you need to hold E key (or controller A button) to actually steal the item.
- Loot list and Tag Label widgets will change to RED when taking would be stealing.
- Take All function for most containers – Press and hold R (or X on controller) to take all (when the R (or X) HOLD button is visible)
- Customize your crosshair
- Many settings for the crosshair to make it like you want it.
- Choose one of the replace modes (Default, DotOnly, DotWhenNotAiming, None) or customize the replacements individually per type, per is-aiming-state and per is-3rd-person-state.
- Colorize and resize your crosshair individually per type. Wan’t a big red pistol crosshair, but a small green rifle? You can do it!
- Customize your watch
- Beside the standard widget settings, you can disable various parts of the watch, either making room for mods or just cause you don’t like a part.
- Four presets you can choose: Author’s Choice, Author’s Choice (No Colors), Vanilla Extended and Vanilla. You can change that at any time and customize your choosen one as you like!
- Safe to install/remove at any time! Doesn’t affect your save game and won’t prevent your abiliity to get achievements!
- Integrated item sorting system for all Starfield items for the languages: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT, JA, PL, PTBR and ZHHANS.
- You can control when the reticle circle and line are visible individually for different situations (the leader line going from the looked item to the item card/name box)
- Reduce the button bars icon for key/controller button and slightly fade out the button bar
- Shows a big door icon on doors which leads to other areas (e.g. the ones that trigger a loading screen)
- Full translation support (See the translation section on this side if your translation is already available)
- Many other smaller or bigger improvements
- Completely customizable (see the well-documented INI file)
- Enable Archive Invalidation (INI settings)
- Install mod files
- Simply install the mod via your mod manager (Vortex, Mod Organizer 2 beta, …)
- Or: Alternate manual install: Copy the folder Interface\ from the zip into your Starfield\Data\ folder (where the ba2 files are) – ignore folders fomod\ and Optional\
- For some people that folder won’t work, copy the files to your Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\ folder in that case (create the Data\ folder if it doesn’t exist there yet)
- Choose one of the three presets from the sub-folder StarUI HUD Presets\ and copy the INI file content into a new file StarUI HUD.ini in Interface\.
- To install the 30fps or 120fps version: After doing the above steps copy the files from the appropriate sub-folder in Optional\ and overwrite the existing ones.
↳Download StarUI HUD
Configuration and Presets
You can customize every aspect of this mod. See the well-documented INI file StarUI HUD (default).ini and adapt it to your liking!
The mod comes with three presets: Author’s Choice, Vanilla Extended and Extended. Click for a preview:
Author’s Choice
Vanilla Extended
Tip: You can switch later to another preset at any time. The presets are copied to folder Interface\StarUI HUD Presets. Simply copy the INIs content to your StarUI HUD (default).ini
Tip 2: Copy the file StarUI HUD (default).ini and rename it to StarUI HUD.ini. This INI file will be read too and won’t be overwritten by mod updates!
Tip 3: When you editing settings: A simple quick-save/quick-load will load your changed configuration!
Author’s Choice preset INI file:
[StarUI HUD]
; =================================
; Configuration file for StarUI HUD
; =================================
; Allows you to configure many different settings for your StarUI HUD layout.
; To adjust the widgets and their position and color see the widget section later in this file
; Some general notes and tips:
; Position
; ——–
; The position is specified based on a 1920×1080 layer. If you have another resolution, it will
; automatically transformed into the position on your monitor.
; Color
; —–
; The sColors values are color modifiers, so if apply a red color to a green element it will
; become orange!
; For most widgets you have the option bForceColor, which will force the color. But be careful,
; this setting will remove ALL color information as well as any brightness levels from the widget.
; The colors are specified as “red, green, blue(, alpha)” where alpha is optional.
; RGB values are from 0 to 255. Alpha is from 0 to 100 (percent).
; Most colors are optional overrides. So if you don’t specify a value for the widget, it will
; use the hud’s default color (sHudDefaultColor).
; Examples:
; black is “0, 0, 0”
; white is “255, 255, 255”
; red is “255, 0, 0”
; blue is “0, 0, 255”
; half-transparent without color is “255, 255, 255, 50”
; Color tip: Use any of the common RGB color picker on the net to find your values!
; Anchors
; ——-
; Define a point on an element for various features (like as alignment for the item card, so in
; which direction an item card should be drawn or at which point the leading line attaches to)
; Valid values: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, {HorizontalOffset}% {VerticalOffset}%
; Examples for free percent values:
; 0% 0% – Equals TopLeft
; 100% 0% – Equals TopRight
; 100% 100% – Equals BottomRight
; 50% 50% – The center of the shape
; 0% 25% – This will position the anchor on the left side on 1/4 height.
; Tips
; ————
; * You can edit this file while the game is running. A simple quick-save/quick-load should
; load the new configuration!
; * Copy this file and rename the copy to “StarUI HUD.ini”. Then change your settings in the
; new file. The new file won’t be overwritten by mod updates!
; HUD Generic
; Default HUD color (may be overridden by a elements special color)
sHudDefaultColor = 122, 192, 244
; Use hard drop-down-shadows instead of soft ones
bHudHardDropDownShadow = 0
; Quality-Of-Life
; Preventing accidental steals. Changes the button for stealing, so you need to hold it to steal.
bHudPreventStealAccident = 1
; Item marker
; This is the circle on objects in the world you are looking at
; Enable or disable the line from the item marker (circle) to other elements for different types of viewed element…
; Note: When using the new TagLabel it’s recommended to it disabled.
; …when viewing a generic entity (bed, chair,…)
bHudReticleLineForGeneric = 0
; …when viewing an item without item card (late game)
bHudReticleLineForSingleItem = 0
; …when viewing an item with item card
bHudReticleLineForSingleItemWithItemCard = 0
; …when viewing a inventory
bHudReticleLineForLootList = 1
; Colorize your item marker circle (and line)
sHudReticleColor =
sHudReticleStealColor = 255, 128, 128
; =================
; Standard Label
; =================
; The white box you see mostly in Vanilla and Vanilla Extended when hovering things without item cards
sLabelColor =
sLabelStealColor = 255, 128, 128
sLabelContrabandColor = 253, 204, 36
; =============
; Tag Label
; =============
; The “Tag Label” is a alternate (new) way to display the item you’re looking at.
; Displays a smaller widget for the item instead of only big item card – Fixed at the crosshair or (optional) floating above the item in the world
bHudEnableTagLabelCrosshair = 1
; Tag label – But this one is bound to the world item (You should only use one to prevent confusion)
bHudEnableTagLabelWorld = 0
; Position of the Tag Label (relative to crosshair/world item)
fHudTagPositionX = 0
fHudTagPositionY = 50
; Scale (size) of the Tag Label (in percent)
iHudTagLableScale = 100
; Add an item tag icon to items
bHudTagShowItemTags = 1
; Colerize
sHudTagLabelColor =
sHudTagLabelStealColor = 255, 128, 128
sHudTagLabelContrabandColor = 253, 204, 36
; Force the item tag icon to be in the same color as the label
bHudTagLabelForceTagIconColor = 0
; The newest high-tech HUD addon by the Constellation engineers: Showing the value/mass as a bar on your HUD!
; The Loot-O-Meter will add a bar below the item name which visualizes the V/M (“value per mass”) value for this item.
; The higher the V/M value, the fuller the bar.
bHudTagLabelLootOMeter = 1
; ==============
; Loot-O-Meter
; ==============
; Customize the look of your Loot-O-Meter (part of Tag Label):
iLootOMeterWidth = 200
iLootOMeterHeight = 8
iLootOMeterRoundEdges = 3
sLootOMeterBgColor = 140,140,140,20
sLootOMeterBarColor = 255,255,255,100
iLootOMeterMaxValue = 1000
bLootOMeterColorBasedOnValue = 1
sLootOMeterValueBasedColor1 = 135, 30, 30
sLootOMeterValueBasedColor2 = 135, 135, 30
sLootOMeterValueBasedColor3 = 30, 135, 30
; ===============
; Rarity colors
; ===============
sRarityColorRare = 80, 136, 244
sRarityColorEpic =
sRarityColorLegendary =
; ==========
; Big Door
; ==========
; Enables a big door icon indicator when you look at a door which leads to other areas/cells (part of Tag Lable)
bHudEnableBigDoorIcon = 1
; Colorize the door icon
sHudBigDoorColor =
; ============
; Button Bar
; ============
; Smaller buttons for the button bar
bButtonBarSmallerButtons = 1
; Moves the button bar to the new tag label
bButtonBarMoveToTagLabel = 1
; Colorize the button bar
sHudButtonBarColor =
sHudButtonBarStealColor = 255, 128, 128
; Fade out things you read once and never need again
iButtonBarOpacity = 50
; Item card – all versions
; Display the item tag icon in the item card
bItemCardAddItemTag = 1
; Enable colored version of item tag
bItemCardItemTagColored = 1
; Add a new entry for the value per mass
bItemCardAddValuePerMass = 1
; Add a new entry for Burst DPS (Damage per second, without reloading time)
bItemCardAddDPS = 1
; Colorize the item card
sItemCardColor =
; Colorize the item card for STEAL mode
sItemCardStealColor = 255, 128, 128
; Colorize the item card for CONTRABAND mode
sItemCardContrabandColor = 253, 204, 36
; Define where the reticle line should attach to (leave empty for auto-aligning it to the left side of the item card headers bottom line)
sItemCardReticleLineAttachAnchor =
; Position of the item card (when hovering items. Default: 1168, 257)
; Values for top right display: X=1900, Y=20, Anchor=TopRight
; Values for Vanilla display: X=1168, Y=257, Anchor=TopLeft
fPositionX = 1900
fPositionY = 20
; Specify the max height. The item card will be scaled down if the limit is exceeded. (Default is to respect the remaining screen space)
fMaxHeight = 850
; Anchor for the item cards position (this determines in which direction the item card will expand from your given position, e.g. TopLeft will expand to right/down, BottomLeft to right/up)
; Valid values for anchor: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight
sAnchor = TopRight
; Scaling (size) of the item card (in percent)
iScale = 100
; Position/scale of the item card in scanner mode.
; For a detailed description of the settings see [ItemCard_SingleItem]
fPositionX = 1358
fPositionY = 257
fMaxHeight = 600
sAnchor = TopLeft
iScale = 100
; ===========
; Loot List
; ===========
; Enable StarUI HUD’s upgraded loot list with icons, extra information, resizable and more
bEnable = 1
; Show item icon tags in the list
bShowItemTags = 1
; Enable colored version of item tag
bItemTagColored = 1
; Add extra columns to the loot list. You can add multiple columns separated by comma.
; For a list of available columns see the list later in the file. Most probably you like to use one of those: VPM, DPS, VALUE, VALUE_STACK, MASS, MASS_STACK
; Tip: You can toggle the sort when looking at the list and pressing ALT key
sAddColumns = VPM
; Sort the loot list by a column (the column does not need to be visible). You can use TAG here to sort by the items tag. Leave empty or use GAME for vanilla sort.
sSortByColumn = GAME
; Width of the additional column
iExtraColumnWidth = 65
; Add the extra function “Take All” to loot list (Hold the transfer key to take all at once)
bAddTakeAll = 1
; Auto-adapt list height to content (max to the specified height below)
bAdaptHeightToContent = 1
; Colorize the list!
sColor =
sStealColor = 255, 128, 128
; Scale (size) of the whole list
iScale = 100
; List position in normal mode (Default: 1193, 302)
fPositionX = 1193
fPositionY = 302
; List dimension in normal mode (Vanilla: 373×248, Default: 373×390)
iWidth = 373
iHeight = 390
; Loot list position in scanner mode
; Note: The list headline is provided by the scanner interface. Keep that in mind when changing the position in scanner mode.
fScannerPositionX = 1380
fScannerPositionY = 565
; Loot list dimension in scanner mode
iScannerWidth = 373
iScannerHeight = 248
; Attach point of the reticle line (from item circle to the list). Available: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight
sReticleLineAttachPoint = TopLeft
; Show an item card to the item you have hovered in the list (for position/scale see the next sections)
bShowItemCard = 1
; Select categories for the item card. Only list items in this categories will show a item card
sShowItemCardCategories = Weapons, Ammo, Spacesuits, Packs, Helmets, Apparel, Throwables, Aid, Notes, Resources, Misc
; Position/scale of the item card for the loot list (normal mode)
; For a detailed description of the settings see [ItemCard_SingleItem]
fPositionX = 1610
fPositionY = 258
sAnchor = TopLeft
iScale = 80
fMaxHeight =
; Position/scale of the item card for the loot list (scanner mode)
; For a detailed description of the settings see [ItemCard_SingleItem]
fPositionX = 1410
fPositionY = 500
iScale = 80
sAnchor = BottomLeft
fMaxHeight =
; =============
; HUD Widgets
; =============
; Re-position and colorize every widget like you want. If you set no value for the color, then sHudDefaultColor is used.
; Enable or disable the whole widget with bEnabled.
; Also allows you to enlarge or shrink the widget (fScale) and rotate it (fRotation).
; Special values are explained above the setting.
; For a explanation of position and color see the file header.
; The watch in the bottom left area
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 72, 808 (for 16:9. Different on widescreen!) – Remove the leading “;” to adjust position
; Note: The widget uses a 3D effect, so adjusting the position can be tricky (Just try some values and see where it ends)
;fPositionX = 72
;fPositionY = 808
; Note scale and rotation work only with disabled 3D effect
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Disable the 3D effect
bDisable3D = 0
; Adjust the 3D transformation matrix. Warning: Only for 3D experts! (remove “;” to change the values)
;s3DTransformationMatrix = 1.065422, -0.06871, -0.150934, 0, -0.037639, 1.062183, 0.191458, 0, 0.127329, -0.171576, 0.976908, 0, 41.719982, 807.84552, -4.454321, 1
; Enable mission markers
bEnableMissionMarker = 1
; Enable enemy markers
bEnableEnemyMarker = 1
; Enable special marker (like your ship)
bEnableSpecialMarker = 1
; Enable compass
bEnableCompass = 1
; Enable O2 bar (normal mode)
bEnableO2Bar = 1
; Enable planet icon
bEnablePlanetIcon = 1
; Enable location name
bEnableLocationName = 1
; Various displays in scan mode
bEnableScanO2Bar = 1
bEnableScanTemperature = 1
bEnableScanOxygen = 1
bEnableScanGrav = 1
bEnableScanLocationText = 1
bEnableScanBioAlertText = 1
bEnableScanEnvAlertText = 1
; Displays player health, weapon, grenades etc.
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 1836, 1032 (for 16:9. Different on widescreen!) – Remove the leading “;” to adjust position
; Note: The widget uses a 3D effect, so adjusting the position can be tricky (Just try some values and see where it ends)
;fPositionX = 1846
;fPositionY = 1037
; Note scale and rotation work only with disabled 3D effect
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Disable the 3D effect
bDisable3D = 0
; Adjust the 3D transformation matrix. Warning: Only for 3D experts! (remove “;” to change the values)
;s3DTransformationMatrix = 0.958322, 0, -0.285688, 0, -0.014952, 0.99863, -0.050155, 0, 0.285297, 0.052336, 0.957009, 0, 1879.831787, 1042.355225, 16.766846, 1
; The crosshair
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 960, 540
fPositionX = 960
fPositionY = 540
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Special options for crosshair
; Show crosshair when aiming (first person)
bShowInIronSights = 0
; Enable the spread animation (how far bullets go from the crosshairs center)
bEnableSpreadIndication = 1
; Show if a weapon/tool is effective by changing the color
bEnableEffectiveIndication = 1
; Crosshair replace mode
; The modes:
; Default – Default!
; DotOnly – Show only the DOT crosshair (always)
; DotWhenNotAiming – Show the DOT crosshair when not aiming (for all weapon crosshairs)
; None – No Crosshair at all
; Custom – Define your own replacements (in the area below)
sReplaceMode = Default
; Colorize your crosshair by type! (leave empty for default crosshair widget color)
sColorPistol =
sColorCutter =
sColorDot =
sColorShotgun =
sColorRifle =
sColorLaser =
sColorTool =
sColorInteraction =
sColorCommand =
; Scale your crosshair by type! (in percent, default is the widgets scale)
iScalePistol =
iScaleCutter =
iScaleDot =
iScaleShotgun =
iScaleRifle =
iScaleLaser =
iScaleTool =
iScaleInteraction =
iScaleCommand =
; Note: ALL following replacements are only enabled if sReplaceMode is “Custom”
; Available crosshair types: None, Pistol, Cutter, Dot, Shotgun, Rifle, Laser, Tool, Interaction, Command
; Custom replacements for 1st person (needs sReplaceMode to be “Custom”)
sReplacePistol = Pistol
sReplaceCutter = Cutter
sReplaceDot = Dot
sReplaceShotgun = Shotgun
sReplaceRifle = Rifle
sReplaceLaser = Laser
sReplaceTool = Tool
sReplaceInteraction = Interaction
sReplaceCommand = Command
; Custom replacements when aiming in 1st person (needs sReplaceMode to be “Custom”)
sReplacePistol = Pistol
sReplaceCutter = Cutter
sReplaceDot = Dot
sReplaceShotgun = Shotgun
sReplaceRifle = Rifle
sReplaceLaser = Laser
sReplaceTool = Tool
sReplaceInteraction = Interaction
sReplaceCommand = Command
; Custom replacements in 3rd person (needs sReplaceMode to be “Custom”)
sReplacePistol = Pistol
sReplaceCutter = Cutter
sReplaceDot = Dot
sReplaceShotgun = Shotgun
sReplaceRifle = Rifle
sReplaceLaser = Laser
sReplaceTool = Tool
sReplaceInteraction = Interaction
sReplaceCommand = Command
; Custom replacements when aiming in 3rd person (needs sReplaceMode to be “Custom”)
sReplacePistol = Pistol
sReplaceCutter = Cutter
sReplaceDot = Dot
sReplaceShotgun = Shotgun
sReplaceRifle = Rifle
sReplaceLaser = Laser
sReplaceTool = Tool
sReplaceInteraction = Interaction
sReplaceCommand = Command
; Hit and kill markers on the crosshair
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 960, 538
fPositionX = 960
fPositionY = 538
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Shows an indicator when an explosive thing is near you
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 960, 540
fPositionX = 960
fPositionY = 540
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Displays a indicator from where you were hit
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 960, 540
fPositionX = 960
fPositionY = 540
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Shows your current stealth level
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor = 255, 255, 255
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 960, 128
fPositionX = 960
fPositionY = 128
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Override color for the various stealth modes
sBarColorHidden =
sBarColorCaution =
sBarColorDetected =
sBarColorDanger =
; Artifact powers widget. You know what it is when you are at that stage in the game.
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 960, 540
fPositionX = 960
fPositionY = 540
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; I have no idea what this is. But that won’t prevent me from letting you modify it.
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 1090, 190
fPositionX = 1090
fPositionY = 190
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; Crew buffs widget
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor =
bForceColor = 0
; Re-position the widget – default position: 1851, 139
fPositionX = 1851
fPositionY = 139
fScale = 100
fRotation = 0
; The floating quest marker on the HUD
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor = 255, 255, 255
bForceColor = 0
; Shows hit damage
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor = 255, 255, 255
bForceColor = 0
; Contains the enemy health bars.
bEnabled = 1
; Colorize the widget. If the value is empty, the default HUD color will be used.
sColor = 255, 255, 255
bForceColor = 0
; ========================
; Doc: Available columns
; =======================
; AMMO – Show used ammo type
; AMMO_ROUNDS – Show available rounds for ammo type
; DR – Damage resistance
; DMG – Weapon damage
; DPS – Weapon damage per second (Burst DPS, so without reload-time)
; FAV – Shows your favorite assignment number
; MASS – Weight
; MASS_STACK – Weight per stack
; RARITY – Shows the rarity of the item (rare, epic, legendary for weapon/apparel and common, uncommon, rare,… for other items)
; VALUE_STACK – Value per stack
; VPM – Value / Mass
; Detail columns for weapon
; WMANUFACTURER – Shows the manufacturer of the weapon
; WACC – Weapon accuracy
; WBASENAME – Shows the base name of the weapon (e.g. Eon, Grendel, Maelstrom,…)
; WMAG – Weapon ammo capacity
; WMODS – Weapon mod slots ( used / max )
; WRANGE – Weapon range
; WROF – Weapon rate of fire (gund) / Attack speed (melee)
; WTYPE – Weapon Type
; Detail columns for armor
; ATHERMAL – Armor thermal
; ACORROSIVE – Armor corrosive
; AAIRBORNE – Armor airborne
; ARADIATION – Armor radiation
; Detail columsn for Damage
; PHYS – Weapon physical damage / Armor physical resistance
; ENGY – Weapon energy damage / Armor energy resistance
; EM – Weapon EM damage / Armor EM resistance
; ELEC – Weapon electrical damage / Armor electrical resistance [Currently unused in the game]