Skull Cavern Elevator Stardew Valley

Skull Cavern Elevator | Stardew Valley

by Dona

Skull Cavern Elevator mod adds an elevator to the Skull Cavern.

Creator: Lestoph

Skull Cavern Elevator

Skull Cavern Elevator Stardew Valley
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Credits and distribution rights

  • Assets of other users: All of the assets in this Skull Cavern Elevator file are either the author’s or free-to-use modder’s resources.
  • Upload authorization: Under no circumstances are you permitted to upload this Skull Cavern Elevator file to other websites.
  • Permission to modify: You must obtain my permission before modifying my files in order to improve them.
  • Permission to convert: Under no circumstances are you permitted to convert this Skull Cavern Elevator file for use in other games.
  • Permission to use assets: You must obtain my permission before using any of the assets in this file.
  • Asset use permission in purchased mods/files: You are not permitted to use assets from this file in any mods or files that are sold for a fee on Steam Workshop or other platforms.
  • Permission to use assets in mods/files that earn donation points: If your mods use my assets, you must obtain permission to earn Donation Points.

Notes from the Author
This author has made no additional notes about file permissions.

Credits should be filed
In this Skull Cavern Elevator file, the author has not given credit to anyone else.

Version 1.4.0

  • introduces ElevatorCostPerStep, which allows to configure a cost per elevator
  • fixes the display of the current level in the menu without the scrollbar (bug introduced with 1.3.2)

Version 1.3.3

  • uiScale and zoom settings are now considered
  • GamePad support is improved
  • elevatorStep from config working again (bug from 1.3.2)

Version 1.2.5

  • Update mod to work with SMAPI 3.0 and SDV 1.4

Version 1.2.1

  • Fix bug that occurs when using the elevator to go to level 0 and back to the previous level
  • Add difficulty setting, the higher the number the fewer elevators are available in the menu. (Number of available elevators = Deepest minelevel/elevatorSteps/difficulty.)

Version 1.2.0

  • Update mod to work with SMAPI 2.6beta
  • Include Scrollbar if too many levels appear on elevator menu

Version 1.1.2

  • add option to set the Skull Cavern Elevator frequency, ie. after how many levels an elevator appears


The Skull Cavern now has an elevator, just like the normal mine, is updated every 5th Floor by default. It should be noted that the elevator is always placed to the right of the ladder.

In the config.json Skull Cavern Elevator file, a new setting called “ElevatorCostPerStep“: with the default value of 0 has been added. If this value is greater than zero, an elevator cost will be calculated and displayed in the elevator menu. (Position of Elevator Displayed) * ElevatorCostPerStep is the formula. This expense will be deducted from your current available funds. The elevator will not be used if you do not have enough.

Skull Cavern Elevator Stardew Valley


This Skull Cavern Elevator version adds a cost per elevatorStep configuration as an option.
This means you can now be charged (money) for using the elevator based on the “ElevatorCostPerStep” field.
If you enter a value greater than zero, the cost will be displayed in the menu.

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Difficulty and elevator setting

Here are a few examples of how difficulty and elevatorStep work. In all examples, the lowest mine level reached is assumed to be 40.

  • The first elevatorStep changes the step width between elevators that appear.
  • elevatorStep 5 (and default difficulty 1) means that when you reach SkullCavern level 40, you will see the elevators: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40.
  • elevatorStep 10 (and default difficulty 1) means that when you reach SkullCavern level 40, you will see the elevators: 10, 20, 30, and 40.
Skull Cavern Elevator Stardew Valley

The Difficulty setting determines how difficult it is to travel further down the elevator.

  • When you reach level 40 of the SkullCavern and select Difficulty 2 (and the default elevatorStep 5), you will only see elevators up to level 20 (My Lowest Level[40]/Difficulty[2]). Elevators 5, 10, 15, and 20
  • When you reach level 40 of the SkullCavern and select Difficulty 4 (and the default elevatorStep 5), you will only see elevators up to level 10 (My Lowest Level[40]/Difficulty[4]). Elevators numbered 5 and 10
  • As you can see, a higher Difficulty value means fewer elevators appear and you must descend further to unlock new elevators.

ElevatorStep and Difficulty can be combined to form the following:

  • Difficulty 1.5 and elevatorStep 10 mean that when you reach SkullCavern level 40, you will only see elevators up to level (Lowest Level[40]/Difficulty[1.5]). 26. Elevators 10 and 20 are used (due to the elevatorStep of 10).

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the skull cavern in stardew valley ?

The Skull Cavern located at the Northern end of the Calico Desert. To gain access, the player must find the Skull Key, which can be obtained from the lowest level of the Mine.

How many level in skull cavern? How far down does the skull cavern go?

Technically the cavern has 2,147,483,647 floors and unless you can pass each floor in a second for 67ish years, you’re out of luck.

How do I get to level 100 in the skull cavern?

1. Get The Space Boots
2. Bring The Galaxy Sword
3. Upgrade Your Pickaxe
4. Use Warp Totems Both Ways
5. Cook Some Food (Coffee and Triple Shot Espresso will both increase speed, Pumpkin Soup increases Defense and Luck, and Spicy Eel increases Luck and Speed)
6. …Or Makes/Buy Bombs Instead
7. Organize Your Inventory
8. Use staircase and Skip Large Floors
9. Go On A Lucky Day
10. Forge Your Weapon

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